Missed Your Instance ?

This is the first assignment of our Architectural Design course.

What is expected to us to revisit our instance model and transform into a series of spaces accommodating human scale. While we are doing this, we are also introduced a musical piece to get a rhythm for movement, consisting of chancing routes and paces within the spaces. First I chose the music which is Unchain My Hearth by Joe Cocker and I analized its rhythm and paces. I found where the music slows down or vice versa and what I feel when this changes occur. Then we should have a single human figure that moves within and through instance-spaces so we should work on proportion and human scale. Thus, I chose myself as a single human figure annd measured myself according to my movement. Then I reflected my analyses to my model and I did my model in 1/50 scale.

And this is my ADS that includes all my diagram studies I did through the whole assignment.

AnAlice’s Adventure in Kayaköy + Hinges

In the last step of this project, I transformed my instance according to spatial properties of the field. As I said, in the field there was centralization and when we move away the center the density is decreasing. The transformation of the instance was shaped according to this idea. There is a most compact part in my instance in terms of density of the volumes and size of volumes. However, when we move away from this part, dissolution steps in by using large scale elements and by increasing the size of the volumes. And there is a spatial property in terms of the interaction of the field with the instance. In the most compact part the characteristic of the field is stable. My first hinge type is in this stable part of the field. In this part the field interacts with the instance by thrusting through some elements of the instance so it creates my first type hinge. However in the other parts, the dissolved part shaped the field. However there is a rule while the field is shaping. In my field there was orientation to the center so the field’s surfaces which shave the dissolved part have created volumes and in these volumes, the orientation of the greater surface forming the volume is to the center which is my compact part. And this shave action create my second type hinge. My third hinge is not about the instance and field interaction, it is just about the instance interaction. The sum of the parts that touch there parts is creating the whole instance so to decompose them from the others I differentiate their texture and I extrude these three elements of the instance.

PS: The description of the Hinge is different from the real meaning of it. It is an abstract meaning like physical connection and interaction of the elements.

AnAlice’s Adventures in Kayaköy + threshold

In this step of the project firstly we produced diagrams to have some strategies about piece together our field and instance models. While I was producing my diagram I again thought the consept of contrast so I plan to merge the most dense part of my instance with my less dense part in terms of height changes in field. However, this idea has changed a bit. First I brought them together according to this idea but I applied contrast idea different way. First I created my zone in the instance as a volume and I merged it to my zone in field so I corroborate the transition part. Therefore, I create my threshold and I applied contrast idea like this : In the transition part there are fragmented and enclosed parts. However when we moving away these parts, they are dissolving and they relate with the field by helping the field to redound different heights.

The Instance

the instance 2In this assignment, we produced a ‘instance’ model as a 3 dimensional presentation of our diagrams consisting of all scenes and actions that we chose and analyzed according to spatial experiences from the book. The instance is composed by using folded planes. We cannot use any adhesives or glues for relating different parts with each other.

In my instance model in the light of my diagram dis two different part by creating a zone but in these parts there are some similarities so I did some transition between these parts.

the instance 1And also by considering the proportion of my space I intersect some of them with each other according to their relation that I analyzed. The first difference between these two part is their density and the second difference is interrelation of spaces with each other. In less dense part the interrelation of spaces are also less as shown in my diagram.