Drawings of Maison de Bordeaux

This semester’s Architectural Communication Techniques course’s midterm is different from the last semester. This midterm has two steps. The first one is drawing of the given building’s all plans, two section drawings and two elevation drawings and the second step is a group work. In the second step, we will produce an abstract model of the given building.

Our building is Maison de Bordeaux by Rem Koolhaas and here is the first step’s outcomes.

Maison de bordeaux plans maison de bordeaux section and elevation

Section Drawing

axonometric section drawingFor the first assignment of ARCH 112, we were expected to produce an exploded-section drawing of the given object and cut through the object from indicated points to produce 4 section-isometric drawings. Section-isometric drawings should not be overlapped with each other. The scale of drawings is 1/2.