The site is in Konya Street, Çukurambar. In the vicinity of the site there are many health clinics. Therefore, as a group, we proposed to design a research and technology building on health. Such a building for the context of Çukurambar is quite reasonable since it is supposed to be cooperation with related facilities. Konya Street is so crucial because it has quite heavy vehicular traffic. Another surrounding street will be done when 1071 buildings are completed. It will be more living street when compared to Konya Street because of functions provided by 1071 buildings. Therefore, I decided on functions according to characteristics of the streets.

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In program there are 3 main function which are labs, health clinic and academic. Therefore, masses are shaped according to these function as theoretical, practical and professional. And also there is another mass that creates social spaces. It envelopes and associates main spaces. Since labs and academic spaces should be more strict and controlled, this social mass by lifting up lab and academic masses, it limits direct access to them.

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There is a park and with reference to this park green flows to down and make some terraces and also there is a small pedestrian road in site and slum houses use it to reach their house and with reference to it I created a social pedestrian road and I merged it with green to create social transition.

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